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RAF Lasham opened in November 1942 as a Forward fighter airfield. It was situated 6 miles south east of Basingstoke in Hampshire. It was initally home to 38 Wing, Army Co-operation Command and was transferred to Fighter Command, in June 1943. The base became home to 175 Sqn flying Hurricanes and Typhoons, 181, 182 and 183 Sqns flying Typhoons, 412 and 602 Sqns with Spitfires. In August 1943 it was transferred to No 2 Group, Tactical AF, becoming home to 320 Sqn flying Mitchells, 107, 613 and 305 Sqns flying Mosquitoes.. . Thanks for downloading. Any questions i can be contacted at.. .. .. chrisgs93_at_googlem ail. com Chris Smith

Filesize: 1.11 MB | Added on: Mar 29, 2009 | Downloads: 1231