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Textures Only
Ryanair EI-DAP textures for the msfs default FSX B737-800 I made this repaint for my daughter who is studing hard to get the wing of flight attendant in Ryanair Airline. Now i can do the flights on her assigned base (Girona GRO-LEGE). Enjoy. Jose Serro isjps_at_issistemas. pt

Filesize: 3.04 MB | Added on: Mar 05, 2009 | Downloads: 2583

Users Reviews
Ryanair EI-DAP textures msfs default FSX B737-800 I. Rating: 8.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

c2kevtrrating: 8
April 6, 2009
good Add on very realistic texture.good job and keep it up.