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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
Fs2004 FSX Spitfire MK V B Tropical The Mk VB (trop) (or type 352) could be identified by the large Vokes air filter fitted under the nose; the scaled down speed of the air to the supercharger had a detrimental effect on the performance of the aircraft, but the decreased performance was considered acceptable. Many were sent overseas, with the majority of them being used either in North Africa and the Mediterranean or in the Far East. Total production was 6, 487. Original CFS2 mdl by Brunosk, textures by Sopwith Chameleon. Upgraded to Flightsim FS2004 FS9 FSX by A. F. Scrub

Filesize: 9.10 MB | Added on: Mar 04, 2009 | Downloads: 2193