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Ben Gurion (LLBG) Airport for FSX. the scenery include : Afcad (Runways, Taxiways, Navaids etc. ) of Ben Gurion Airport Israel also includes msfs default terminal and buildings relocated using google earth with real landclass and aprons polygons This senery required: Israeli LandClass X, that can find here: http: www. ait-aviation. org ISP index. php?page landclassx Install folder in your Add-on Scenery folder, and activate the two sceneries as usual (main menu > Settings > Scenery Library > Add Area) the scenery support FSX only. I used the following softwares in this scenery: ADE Built by Tomer Haim for support : jltmm_at_bezeqint. net Enjoy!

Filesize: 185.14 Kb | Added on: Mar 03, 2009 | Downloads: 1672