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FS2004 picturereal panel CESSNA-T206H Stationair with Virtual Cockpit by Horst Paetzold This panel refers to the freeware Cessna-206 Stationair from Francois-Denis Guide in the modification of Dave Athay (to be downloaded under cessnat206h. zip) It is my alternative 2D-panel and the VC-panel is made with the same instruments gauges to have sufficient optical interference between both panels. Additionally this upload contains my repaint of german realword STATIONAIR D-EAWB. What is from me: Only the panel-bitmap, the gauges-arrangement and the aircraft repaint Credit consequently goes to all gauge-designers and to Monsieur Guide and Mr. Athay for the aircraft. Good flights, Horst Paetzold horstcloudflyer_at_a ol. com

Filesize: 3.07 MB | Added on: Feb 28, 2009 | Downloads: 1547