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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
Ecureuil AS350B3 Package for FSX Model by Aurlien Terriere Textures by Aurlien Terriere Helicopter made with GMax. Original distribution Flight Simulator France. This aircraft is Freeware. I found this great helicopter in my FS2004 compilation & as it works fine in my FSX SP2 P3D Prepar3D V2 I have prepared thumbnails to make it easier for FSX users. All credit goes to original creators. I have emailed the creator to require permission but had the email returned as undeliverable. by Danny Garnier raider911_at_gmail. com

Filesize: 14.55 MB | Added on: Jan 19, 2009 | Downloads: 1957

Users Reviews
Ecureuil AS350B3 Package FSX Model Aurlien Terriere. Rating: 6.50 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

1212556589-facebookrating: 10
July 8, 2012
very good been looking for it
fc_10846102173048616595rating: 3
March 14, 2010