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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
LAK Genesis 2 for FSX The GENESIS 2 is a modern Standard Class racing sailplane of unusual configuration. It is made of composite materials, with a self-stable wing, utilising the latest design and aeronautical construction technology. This glider airplane was made with g-Max and features full animations, detailled V C with a pilot that can be active or hidden, and tailored built gauges. By David Rowberry : December 2008

Filesize: 13.31 MB | Added on: Dec 27, 2008 | Downloads: 2525

Users Reviews
LAK Genesis 2 FSX GENESIS a modern Standard Class racing. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

Kukanotasrating: 10
September 29, 2009
Great glider from Lithuania now goes to FSX. Sweet