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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2004 Airspeed Horsa Glider. The Horsa glider airplane was used by the RAF in its WW2 airborne operations. It was bigger than the American Waco CG-4 and carried 30 troops vs. the Wacos 15. This is a Flight Simulator Design Studio (FSDS) v3. 51 project compiled with Makemdl into FS2004. It has the usual animations plus opening door, steps and tail cone. The 2D panel and Virtual Cockpit are based on a picture and the Virtual Cockpit has animated controls. By Paul Clawson

Filesize: 2.49 MB | Added on: Feb 15, 2008 | Downloads: 1541

Users Reviews
FS2004 Airspeed Horsa Glider. Rating: 5.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

mrmohrrating: 5
June 26, 2011
how do you get it airborne