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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FSX Bell Huey Sp2 Xp. tested by Nor-Cal Prop Club Bell UH-1 Huey The most famous helicopter in the world is the Bell UH-1 Iroquois, most commonly referred to as the Huey. The Huey, which first flew in 1956, serves in front-line service in the U. S. military and the militaries of many nations and will continue to do so for many years to come. It earned its fame during the Vietnam War. Features REAL HUEY SOUND Firing guns (no gun sound) Designed by Jordan Moore Texturing by Deane Baunton sound by by Martoni. Effects by Kim, Zeki BoHyun Updated and packaged by Nor-Cal Prop Club

Filesize: 20.75 MB | Added on: Dec 12, 2008 | Downloads: 5641

Users Reviews
FSX Bell Huey Sp2 Xp tested Cal Prop Club UH-1 famous. Rating: 9.14 of 10 over a total of 7 reviews.

somdechrating: 10
April 9, 2013
asia war
100003162073864-facebookrating: 8
December 24, 2011
good lookin copter
Bowen101rating: 10
April 22, 2011
Death to the V.C.
hwharperrating: 10
April 7, 2011
what are the controlls keyboard to fire weapons
100001557349015-facebookrating: 10
March 16, 2011
how do you shoot
523522520rating: 8
January 6, 2011
its a fun and great aircraft to fly also vietnam vetern
fc_02196293911324071296rating: 8
January 2, 2011
Yeah..lets go back to vietnam...