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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2002 FS2004 FSx Fairchild 71 landplane Part 4 of the Early Fairchild Series. Original gmax model by James Hefner, with some parts and textures from the Microsoft FS2004 SDK. Flight dynamics, effects, and panel design by Jim Douglass, using Microsoft gauges. (Requires Fairchild FC-2W2. zip be installed for guages, sound and effects. )

Filesize: 6.30 MB | Added on: Dec 02, 2008 | Downloads: 1373

Users Reviews
FS2002 FS2004 FSX Fairchild 71 landplane Part 4 Early. Rating: 8.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

Azle1978rating: 8
July 16, 2009
The scheme like RMAF Royal Malaysian Air Force PC 7 Mk II.It my country...