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Complete Aircraft
FS2004 Jat Airways Boeing 737-4B7. YU-AOS Just unzip it in the aircraft folder of your FS2004. Original model Erick Cantu (FFX-SGA). Panel and sounds are those of msfs default but you should install an appropriate panel (in the Boeing 737-4B7 is analogical) and install the sounds of 737-400. Textures repaint texture by Ivano Marongiu. ivanomarongiu_at_ali ce. it

Filesize: 3.46 MB | Added on: Nov 20, 2008 | Downloads: 1302

Users Reviews
FS2004 Jat Airways Boeing 737-4B7. Rating: 7.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

1801532450-facebookrating: 7
June 10, 2013
One of the greates JAT mods for FS