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FS2004 picturereal panel EMBREAR-145 (Version-2) with full internal views and wingviews with different panel-cfgs by Horst Paetzold The inspiration for this panel came after the installation of Project Open Skys ERJ-145 with the excellent virtual Cockpit and with the Learjet-45 as msfs default 2-D-panel. I wanted to exchange the 2-D-panel (mainpanel) with a more real ERJ-145 panel optically in accordance with the virtual cockpit. After having done this, the way to a complete panel version-2 was unavoidable and here is the result.

Filesize: 4.53 MB | Added on: Oct 11, 2008 | Downloads: 1933

Users Reviews
FS2004 picturereal panel EMBREAR-145 Version-2 with full. Rating: 7.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

biggsdarwinrating: 7
October 12, 2009
Very nicely done