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FS2004 picturereal Panel Piper PA 44 Seminole with full internal views by Horst Paetzold specially made for Chuck Domes Piper-seminole (pipsem04. zip) from 2003, panel my be used for other Piper-Seneca, too. This panel is not usable for the excellent freeware Seminole with Virtual Cockpit of Rien Cornelissen. What is from me: Only the bitmaps and the panel-arrangement Credit consequently goes to Chuck Dome and all gauge-designers. Good flights!!! Horst Paetzold horstcloudflyer_at_a ol. com

Filesize: 4.41 MB | Added on: Sep 27, 2008 | Downloads: 1433

Users Reviews
FS2004 picturereal Panel Piper PA 44 Seminole with full. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

caosheng2003rating: 10
December 14, 2009