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Cavanaugh Bay 66S Idaho Airport for Flightsim FS2004 FS9 by Sidney Schwartz sidney. schwartz_at_comcast. net Priest Lake in Idaho is described by their Chamber of Commerce as. .. a magnificent 23, 000 acre azure lake nestled beneath the majestic Selkirk Mountains without question, one of the most beautiful wilderness areas youll ever see. Cavanaugh Bay is a grass strip right on the lake, with lodges (theres one right next to the end of the runway), campgrounds and boat plane docks nearby. I think I was able to make a fair approximation of the real thing, based on Google Earth. If youre flying something that floats, choosing RWY S or RWY E from the Flightsim FS2004 FS9 airport menu will park you conveniently at a floatplane dock. This scenery was designed for use with Ultimate Terrain USA a
Show more... nd has not been tested with the msfs default Flightsim FS2004 FS9 scenery. CREDITS Some of the scenery objects were created by me. My thanks to all the other nice folks who have designed scenery objects for us to use. Object creation: Gmax Object placement: Instant Scenery by Flight1 Library Object Manager by Jon Masterson Airport editing: AFX by Fligt1 Terrain editing: Sbuilder by Luis Sa Landclass Assistant by John Cillis LMviewer by Jim Keir. Terms of Use This scenery is freeware and must be kept so. It may be distributed exclusively in its original form, including this readme file. You may modify this scenery for your own use only. Show less...

Filesize: 654.16 Kb | Added on: Sep 05, 2008 | Downloads: 1068