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FSX Daytona Beach FL Scenery By: Art Poole Description: Updated scenery for KDAB airport and surrounding area. Includes the addition of Daytona International Speedway; seaplane dock at Halifax River landing area 1FD1; Main Street pier; Ponce Inlet lighthouse, jetties and marinas; landclass corrections; Embry Riddle University Flight Center and Tech Center; and airport changes at KDAB and KEVB. This scenery has been tested using Ultimate Terrain X and WOAI. Legal, and Contact: This scenery is freeware, and may not be reproduced in whole, or any part for profit. There is no warranty. Thanks to Airport Design Editor, Google Earth, Manifold Toolbar and SBuilder freeware for making this possible. Daytona International Speedway is a trademark of International Speedway Corporation. If there are any problems, questions or comments, contact: Art Poole apoole209_at_yahoo. com

Filesize: 1.44 MB | Added on: Sep 03, 2008 | Downloads: 1545

Users Reviews
FSX Daytona Beach FL Scenery Art Poole Description Updated. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

ross0000rating: 9
February 15, 2010
Came from this area. Good graphics very glad to have racetrack visible. This is one of the better sites around. Thanks