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NZMS Hood Aerodrome Masterton New Zealand. For FS2004. Version 2. Added windsocks, radio-controllers meet, aerial & shack, holding points, lights on main taxiway, fence by aero club. This replaces previous version. Made to fit Christian Stocks NZ 20-mesh and Topo; aka. Mountains of New Zealand and Roads and Rivers of New Zealand. Available via: http: www. simpilotexperience. com Dont know what it would be like with the 75-mesh probably hopeless with msfs default scenery. This is not meant to be accurate, but is a fairly true representation. Its meant to give you the feel of being there. This was made possible from various scenery objects freely given to the Flight Sim community. I consequently freely distribute my work for non-commercial use. Thanks to the various scenery object makers. Godfrey Tier

Filesize: 3.56 MB | Added on: Sep 02, 2008 | Downloads: 1121