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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
Ducati Multistrada 1100 S Final Release Description There were many motorcycle addons that came before this one, but the Ducati stands out as the most unique so far. Featuring a sleak look using a poly-modeling technique, and giving source textures for the look, repainters can give this two-wheeled machine a style of their own. And with sound files based completely on the real Ducati, and animations, it can provide a greater sense of realism. The picturerealistic 2D panel was taken from an online image posted on the net. It doesnt accurately represent the right model of the Ducati, but its the best [and only] shot I could find that had the right quality of both lighting and sharpness; therefore, it became the prime choice for a 2D panel. The sounds were also aquired from the net and were e
Show more... dited with Magix MP3 Maker and then compiled using Flight Simulator Sound Studio. Textures, alpha channels, and light maps were created using Paint Shop Pro and DXTBmp. Installation Drag and drop the main Ducati_110S folder onto the main Aircraft folder of FS2004 or in the Airplane subfolder located in the SimObjects folder of FSX. The instruments gauges are retained in the main panel folder of the Ducati. Leave those there as they will work just fine. Show less...

Filesize: 11.03 MB | Added on: Sep 27, 2007 | Downloads: 5747

Users Reviews
Ducati Multistrada 1100 S Final Release Description. Rating: 6.67 of 10 over a total of 6 reviews.

soar645rating: 8
August 26, 2011
i rate it 8 becuase is cool have never seen a motorcycle for fsx but not tried yet
fc_09619008170357028124rating: 1
March 22, 2011
The only ting about this bike that s good is it looks. It slides so much you can t do anything with it. You try and a jump off hill ll fly into outer space. ridiculous. start driving in loops until reach Even when turn the power has no effect. If like something absolutely control, not even to stop or turn, jumps high they space, then for
kylejduanrating: 10
October 15, 2010
it s great
dalle28rating: 10
March 30, 2010
ele64rating: 8
July 30, 2009
muy bueno
pr2firefighterscrating: 3
October 14, 2007
if you dont mind riding a motor cycle on ice then this bike is for you. handling royally sucks. cant go more than 20knots mph to really be able control it and even try turn slide like hell my Cessna turns better