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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
Eritrean Airlines (Eritrea) Boeing 757-200 This is repainted textures of the 757-200 in the colors of Eritrean Airlines. Eirtrean has this aircraft to his long haul flights. Textures repaint by: Jorge Andrs Caldern C. Model by: Project Opensky If you need to contac me my email is: jacc9112_at_gmail. com or jacc9112_at_hotmail. com

Filesize: 2.72 MB | Added on: Sep 01, 2007 | Downloads: 1499

Users Reviews
Eritrean Airlines Eritrea Boeing 757-200 repainted. Rating: 1.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

oogarating: 1
January 27, 2008
File contains a virus.