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NVSS-TANNA SANTO PEOKA AIRPORT VANUATU v1. 0 Author: David A Wain. Adelaide Australia Finally here it is. A second airport for the Vanuatu islands. Santa Peoka Airport, Tanna. This airport at this stage exclusively recieves domestic little and medium props and little jets. It provides a limited amount of avgas and A1 jet fuel. This scenery was modeled using Google Earth images which put buildings and afcad layout as close to authentic as canbe. Buildings were modeled using EOD with Nova and msfs default textures used. EOD objects compiled using FSSC. Some runway12 and EZ scenery objects used. For those who dont have the libraries for the objects used I have included in the package. I hope you enjoy this scenery as much as i had creating it. Please email me if you have any problems and as normal, if you have any pictures of Vanuatu or info so i can improve this and other sceneries please email them to me. Special appreciation to the authors of theobjects used and created by them.

Filesize: 6.73 MB | Added on: Aug 19, 2007 | Downloads: 1281