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Flight Simulator 2004 Arkas Colombia ATR 42-300 Arkas Colombia Cargo Airline ATR 42-300 HK-4492X. Arkas is the new Colombian cargo airline and use twp of these aircraft to fly to the principal cities of Colombia. This is the repaint of Arkas Colombia Cargo Airline ATR 42-300 HK-4492X. Arkas use this aircraft to fly to the principal cities of Colombia. Model by Francisco Snchez-Castaer Textures repaint by jorge Andrs Caldern C.

Filesize: 3.93 MB | Added on: Aug 15, 2007 | Downloads: 2765

Users Reviews
FS2004 Arkas Colombia ATR 42-300 Cargo Airline HK-4492X. Rating: 8.50 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

samuel1530rating: 7
June 13, 2010
lave444rating: 10
March 14, 2008
i love it