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Textures Only
Textures repaint of msfs default FSX Boeing 737-800 in Alaska Airlines Colors by Bill Womack, using textures provided by Microsoft. Thanks to the Microsoft Aces team for including a set of blank white textures in the base FSX install for many aircraft. As if there wasnt enough to love about the new msfs default planes already, this move was a godsend for painters. Original base textures by Microsoft Aces Studio Textures repaint by Bill Womack (billw_at_spottedant elope. com)

Filesize: 862.92 Kb | Added on: Aug 09, 2007 | Downloads: 2659

Users Reviews
Textures repaint msfs default FSX Boeing 737-800 Alaska. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

100001656966466-facebookrating: 10
September 8, 2011
great i have wanted this airplane
flight556rating: 10
April 21, 2011
Awesome paint pack, I have searched for a very long time this