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FS2004 Wa The msfs default Wa airport s placed 250 km far from its right location i do not blame Microsoft placing with accuracy 23 000 airports s almost impossible but for such distances between the msfs default position and the exact position it s apparently impossible to remove the msfs default runway so you ll have two DGLW one at the north west of Ghana (right) and another at the north east but the old airport canno t be selected anymore in the menu i voluntary created no exclude for the old airport area so that it s unusable i put a pic so that if one day you see it you ll know what it is The scenery was made with Sbuilder (&Rwy12) , AFCAD & JABbgl Thanks to Arno & Jos for their help. Jean-paul Marchetti jmar2252_at_myfastma il. com

Filesize: 1.61 MB | Added on: Aug 08, 2007 | Downloads: 1336