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General Electric CF6-80C2A5 Soundset Highly Authentic This Soundset is a highly realistic, 100% authentic rendition of the General Electric CF6-80C2A5 powerplants that power the Airbus A300-600 aircraft. This soundset is extremely special to me, because the A300 is my favorite aircraft I took over 1 year to complete this and share this with the Flight Simulator Community. Over the years traveling in the First Class Cabin of American Airlines A300s I have been able to gather countless, crisp, genuine recordings of what this aircraft is all about. In turn I have produced a soundset that is a masterpeice in quality and in realism. The sounds in the set are encoded in high quality PCM stereo format, for your enjoyable audio experience. Thanks to my buddy Devyn Silverstein fellow Sound Designer
Show more... , he has provided me with some clips and materials that made this soundset possible. The sounds may be used with any General Electric Powered A300-600 or A310 aircraft but were specifically made for the CF6-80C2A5 that powers the Airbus A300-600. This soundset may be used with the CLS, Overland and HNAC A300 and A310s or any other one that you can get your hands on and the soundset is compatible with Flightsim FS2004 FS9 and FSX. All you have to do is download this soundset and see for yourself what this aircraft is all about.. Please enjoy the sounds, Im convinced this is my best soundset ever Emil Serafino Jr. Show less...

Filesize: 28.10 MB | Added on: Aug 05, 2007 | Downloads: 2616

Users Reviews
General Electric CF6-80C2A5 Soundset Highly Authentic a. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

100001434034697-facebookrating: 10
April 26, 2011
This soundset is excellent and very accurate for the CF6 powered A300s. Highly recommended