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Textures Only
FSX Taxiway Enhancement v1 By Tom Knudsen These replacement textures are modified textures from defualt FSX What is it: FSX Taxi textures cover all taxi ways on FSX defualt airports all worldwide. These texture are made to serve us with enhanced detail of the surface texture on the taxi way.. What is enhanced I altered the texures with extra new layers that i designed and added extra materials to the defualt textures. So in a fact these texture are nothing like the msfs default ones, but in my mind more realistisk looking compared to some real world airports. Tom Knudsen post_at_tknudsen. com

Filesize: 2.40 MB | Added on: Jul 12, 2007 | Downloads: 4246

Users Reviews
FSX Taxiway Enhancement v1 Tom Knudsen replacement. Rating: 9.25 of 10 over a total of 4 reviews.

Fast_Red_Dragonrating: 10
January 26, 2012
easy to install, works great
770603537-facebookrating: 9
October 10, 2010
zuberb P
cpnstavrating: 10
June 29, 2010
The work of all the simmers who make add ons and aircraft etc dessrve 10 for giving their time effort to our sims more enjoyable
erycklegarating: 8
June 7, 2010
very good, thanks..