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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2002 FS2004 Grumman G-22 Gulfhawk II. One of the most exciting aerobatic aircraft of the 1930s and 1940s was the Grumman Gulfhawk II, built by Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation in Bethpage, Long Island, for the Gulf Oil Companies. This sturdy civilian biplane, powered by a Wright Cyclone R-1820-GI 1, 000 hp engine and a three-blade Hamilton Standard propeller, nearly matched the F3F standard Navy fighter that was operational at that time. Modifications created in the construction to withstand the high-load factors encountered during aerobatics and the aircraft was equipped for inverted flying for periods of up to half an hour. by Kazunori Ito.

Filesize: 2.33 MB | Added on: Jul 07, 2007 | Downloads: 2792

Users Reviews
FS2002 FS2004 Grumman G-22 Gulfhawk II. Rating: 8.40 of 10 over a total of 5 reviews.

mrawesome445rating: 9
November 28, 2010
bucketrating: 8
September 4, 2007
heya all. pretty cool little beast. not the best cockpit but i rate it on flight dynamics. mean wow, what a challange to get deck without bouncing, put test you
Lars2008rating: 9
July 29, 2007
The cockpit is a mix of photo and computer. flight dynamics are incredible This the only sim aircraft I have flown that had me sweating second landing attempt my heart racing Ground handling requires ailerons as well rudder brakes.. tricky on ground. Not for faint hearted, but very good.
purpleponcarating: 8
July 17, 2007
flying brick is right, dont like the sound but i can change that,anywho first would to thank author s only give it a 8 cause of and seem realistic in ill keep this one anyway, we need more it, thanx happy
bobsplacerating: 8
July 8, 2007
This is an interesting addition to my Grumman Hangar. It takes off nicely, climbs like a homesick angel, and loves cruise between 200 240 Kts. Landing it bit of attention. hot rod has no flaps or airspeed brakes. Below 140 kts gets little flakey. Long, straight in approaches are recommended with gear down just over the end runway. The at low speeds turns into flying brick real quick. But fun, nimble responsive above outside detail outstanding. panels downers, especially 2D. I fly long distances use instruments NAVAIDS lot. So used Custom Panel Designer outfit 2D panel that suits me. Many aircraft have custom using this program by Abacus. life saver. Recommend flight simulation downloader. Overall, big thanks designers.