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Grumman G44 Widgeon for FS2004 by Joe Binka Panel, Flight Dynamics and Textures by Michael Verlin

Filesize: 15.41 MB | Added on: Jul 06, 2007 | Downloads: 4269

Users Reviews
Grumman G44 Widgeon FS2004 Joe Binka Panel Flight Dynamics. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

bucketrating: 8
August 28, 2007
yep, pretty cool, nice job all round, it s one of the quickest sea planes i have.
purpleponcarating: 10
July 30, 2007
quickly becoming one of my faves thanx for the really nice planes, i like color schemes and sounds are great too, recommend download, all hard work you put into these happy flying