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FSX and FS2004 Short S. 45 Solent. The Solent was a large and powerful flying boat airliner of 1946 built for BOAC and TEAL (Tasman Empire Airways Ltd). The last Solent was retired in 1960. A Solent 3 of BOAC and Solent 4s of TEAL (early and late) and Aquila Airways included. Version 2 model modified to work with FSX as well as FS2004. Improved panel. By Jens B. Kristensen

Filesize: 10.41 MB | Added on: Jul 02, 2007 | Downloads: 4166

Users Reviews
FSX and FS2004 Short S.45 Solent. Rating: 9.17 of 10 over a total of 6 reviews.

1282533723-facebookrating: 10
February 24, 2012
Sheamyrating: 10
February 23, 2012
down loaded it to day and i love fly s very well,i agree about the cockpit,but im not taking any marks of for that because works, I installed Bristol Hercules engine sound its great
Tengorating: 10
February 23, 2008
fantastic Everything works
sachalexrating: 9
August 18, 2007
very enjoyable all round, and easy on the eye.
mikeyankeevictorrating: 6
July 21, 2007
Externally excellent, but cockpit interior poor.
cybercoprating: 10
July 13, 2007
This aircraft add on initially appears to be very well designed. The exterior, panel and VC appear both detailed functional. installation program is a setup that only requires you specify the location of your folder.