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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FSX Seafire Mk47: The final version Mk. 47 was powered by a 2, 375hp Rolls Royce Griffon 85 engine giving it a maximum speed of 723km h (452mph) at 6, 242m (20, 500ft). It was armed with four Hispano 20mm cannons and up to eight 27kg rockets or 675kg bombs mounted beneath the fuselage and wings. This final Seafire variant had a distinctive look, and impressive performance. It flew in operations in Korea. Updated for FSX with new airfile, Dp, effects, panel and textures by A. F. Scrub.

Filesize: 5.86 MB | Added on: Jul 01, 2007 | Downloads: 4362

Users Reviews
FSX Seafire Mk47 final version Mk.47 powered a 2 375hp. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

Bowen101rating: 10
April 22, 2011
Looks good and flys great so warbird fanatics this is for you
pfuchs31rating: 10
June 13, 2010
georgejxurating: 10
July 9, 2007
Awsome Airplane liked the gun effects, with little bullet thingys coming out. very detailed