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Complete Aircraft
FS2004 Leduc 022, complete package, by Pat Grange. The Leduc 022 was designed in France in the early fifties. The particularly weird design of this aircraft was intended to validate the concept of a jet fighter powered by a statojet engine, using a standard turbojet exclusively for take off and climbing. Unfortunately, the software was stopped after exclusively a couple of prototypes. .. The model has all parts animated; wheels, ailerons, rudder, steering, etc.. and an original tailored 2D panel (an original bitmap by me). No Virtual Cockpit. Designed by Pat Grange. Contact patrice. grange_at_wanadoo. fr This file is distributed as a Freeware. It must neither be sold nor used in any way to make money or profit.

Filesize: 9.05 MB | Added on: Jun 27, 2007 | Downloads: 2007