Free Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads & Resources
Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000
Complete Aircraft
FSX Airbus A380-800 High quality Gmax model of the Airbus A380-800, the worlds largest passenger jet. The model includes all the usual things as a steering nosewheel, taxi and landing lights, dynamics shine and all moving parts, including a fully animated landing gear animation. Some special things include three opening doors, with visible interior. Flexing wings, wing views and trim animation for the horizontal stabilisers. Model, dynamics and textures by Robert Versluys. Repainted and detailed by Raul Abella

Filesize: 3.34 MB | Added on: Jun 01, 2007 | Downloads: 9360

Users Reviews
FSX Airbus A380-800 High quality Gmax model worlds largest. Rating: 8.00 of 10 over a total of 15 reviews.

1800537383-facebookrating: 6
September 29, 2011
josh.frey9-googlerating: 10
September 29, 2011
Griego83rating: 9
July 9, 2011
All i can say is that like Plane and love the texture.
augusto1980rating: 9
June 8, 2009
Very good texture
boeingandairbus101rating: 9
October 30, 2008
barritosrating: 9
March 22, 2008
Where is the true panel
clank469rating: 8
March 7, 2008
Pritty Good, I don t like how the cockpit is same controlls as Boing 747. For those of you downloading, this a great airplane, but it has controls 747 so suggest getting used to before flying aircraft.
safak_flyingrating: 1
December 11, 2007
Macawsrating: 6
November 20, 2007
When I downloaded, got a ScreenSaver.
johnnyvaxrating: 9
November 12, 2007
Very nice add on. No virus found on my download, perhaps you ought to scan your computer before bad mouth someones efforts... Looks and flys great.. work
ALARICrating: 8
October 3, 2007
WARNING I found a trojan virus on this add so BEWARE
itaipaltirating: 10
August 29, 2007
i have downloaded this aircraft and its amazing exactly like the real A380. really cool, u should download it.
jp13j06rating: 10
August 24, 2007
By fare the best A380 iv dowloaded, briliant deatail to wings and plane
outsiderating: 9
July 19, 2007
vedikrating: 8
July 11, 2007