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Complete Aircraft
FSX Boeing C-17 Cargomaster III Intended to replace the venerable C-141, the C-17 fulfills the airlift mission like no aircraft before it. Able to lift bulky heavy loads it can operate out of airstrips that were previously reachable exclusively by much littleer aircraft. By Mike Stone

Filesize: 4.16 MB | Added on: May 31, 2007 | Downloads: 11635

Users Reviews
FSX Boeing C-17 Cargomaster III Intended replace venerable. Rating: 8.18 of 10 over a total of 11 reviews.

1604255267-facebookrating: 10
June 12, 2011
very nice add on
fc_02464275200000010300rating: 10
June 12, 2011
This is one of the greatest planes I have ever flown THANK YOU SO MUCH HAVE FINALLY ARRIVED
marijniboyrating: 8
February 11, 2011
fc_17912019328282616291rating: 10
February 2, 2011
Beautiful... one of the finest aircraft on this site.
Graupnerrating: 1
April 16, 2010
Does not download successfully to FSX. Is in sea on launch.
rex23rating: 10
October 19, 2008
i realy love this plane its esay to instal en it fly grate
DerHeldtrating: 8
September 22, 2008
You did a great job on that. This plane ist pretty good, except the engines. But still I like to fly
bigbushrating: 10
March 7, 2008
Great Job Im in the air force based at Hickam AFB, Hawaii and I fly with tail number 146 all time. Not only can it real life but on my off Once again great job.
fighterpilot122rating: 5
October 27, 2007
good plane but it looks really fake sometimes
happygharryrating: 10
September 15, 2007
gd download m8 XD
nightowl02366rating: 8
August 29, 2007
you may want to use the B747 400 panel cfg files for cockpit view. had trouble with original file or folder.