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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2004 FSX Akrotech Giles-202. This home built aerobatic plane is a hoot to fly. It is a tandem two seater. It is the ideal plane in which to learn the art of aerobatics. The plane is light and is powered by a 240 hp engine. By Don Halcom

Filesize: 2.85 MB | Added on: May 29, 2007 | Downloads: 1626

Users Reviews
FS2004 FSX Akrotech Giles-202. Rating: 7.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

foureyesrating: 7
June 1, 2007
Finally A Giles 202 the airplane is impressive, and I like powere to weight ratio, but boy, am flying a plane or copter The only real dent in rating because canopy didn t show when first downloaded it. m going try again, hope it works. But still very good effort.