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Complete Aircraft
Pinted by Sebastian Ferreira, e-mail sebauru87_at_adinet. com. uy This aircraft is FICTIONAL in PLUNA s fleet. I know this paint is not very good, but I try to put all my effort to look like a real fictional PLUNA 777. Thanks for to meljet and for this piantkit possible. Instalation Just drop the folder pluna777 on your Aircraft folder of Flight Simulator. Thats all. Thanks for downloading it!! 100% fictitious

Filesize: 7.01 MB | Added on: Jul 20, 2006 | Downloads: 2140

Users Reviews
Pinted Sebastian Ferreira e-mail Rating: 7.40 of 10 over a total of 5 reviews.

logonorating: 8
October 1, 2008
to get the passenger view you hold shift or ctrl and use scroll
armenio53rating: 6
October 15, 2007
buen esfuerzo
ziccorating: 5
August 9, 2006
Does every 777 in this site for fs2004 have stupid passenger view which i too can t figure out how to use . Why they just make one with only the wing views like most aircrafts.
aykutik2rating: 9
August 5, 2006
coolsimrating: 9
July 20, 2006
I still say its a good paint job, not bad job at all. The only reason why give it 9 is because i dont know how to get the passenger views up, m sure there s simple command choose If someone could help me out that d be great.