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EDDM FS2004 version 1. 0 Munich scenerie for FS2004 Made with SceneGenX 1. 0 build 54 + Airport for Windows (www. airportforwindows. com) 3D-objects made with FSDesignStudio2 + Gmax Version 1. 0 is based on the actual groundlayout of EDDM. It should be compatible with GAP1. AI aircraft are working exclusively from Terminal 1. The textures (espacially the night textures) may be improvable but as i am no artist i wont be able to provide better ones. Copyright 2006 Heiko Futterer heiko-katja_at_neuso b. de

Filesize: 3.72 MB | Added on: Jul 18, 2006 | Downloads: 2732

Users Reviews
EDDM FS2004 version 1.0 Munich scenerie with SceneGenX. Rating: 8.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

bwobrating: 8
September 30, 2006
A damn good rendition of Munich airport.