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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
Hola, este es A400M, un avin multiproposito militar, hecho por varias compaias europeas, es mi primer avin hecho para fs, asi que comentarios y o criticas son bienvenidas. Fer Reni Rosales

Filesize: 1.08 MB | Added on: May 27, 2006 | Downloads: 1810

Users Reviews
Hola este es A400M avin multiproposito militar hecho por. Rating: 3.25 of 10 over a total of 4 reviews.

1205862588-facebookrating: 1
June 25, 2012
menuda mierda
p38rating: 6
May 30, 2006
the model is well done. I don t blame you for no textures, they are really hard to make. Although would be nice. Appreciate a freeware A400M though. Thanks
flightpath510rating: 5
May 29, 2006
Some textures would be nice por favor, puedes pintar el avion, y en futuro, hacer los descripciones ingles
Luke771rating: 1
May 29, 2006
Keep it in ng English