New Eurofighter Panel, www. afs-design. de, Freeware for FS2004. NEW Panel, NEW Eurofighter GAUGES: MFD 1: radar, MFD 2: DASS, MFD 3: weather radar, MFD 4: engines, MFD 5: fuel, MFD 6: multifunctionsgauge, MFD 7: autopilot, MFD 8: radios, MFD 9: new GPS HSI, And new Gauges: 4 HUDs, exit and statusgauges AND signaturegauges of: Eurofighter, A380, Eurocopoter Tiger, Sukhoi 35, F-22, tank, by www. afs-design. de Author: A. Meyer.
Users Reviews
New Eurofighter Panel Freeware FS2004. Rating: 1.67 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.
New Eurofighter Panel Freeware FS2004. Rating: 1.67 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.
wizdan2rating: 3
April 19, 2006
not very good graphics keep with the old panel
rubinorating: 1
April 8, 2006
it s not the real one that he wants to sell.
Exandradurrating: 1
April 4, 2006
It was worth than the one i hade