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Complete Aircraft
Cygnet01. zip The Cygnet was the the first aircraft designed by Sidney Camm for Hawker Aircraft Limited. It won a light aircraft competition in 1926. The last aircraft designed by Sidney Camm was the VTOL Harrier. In between, he designed the Battle of Britain winning Hurricane as well as a range of pre-war and post-war fighters. Animated GMax model for Flight Simulator 2004 by Gerry Howard

Filesize: 2.13 MB | Added on: Mar 17, 2006 | Downloads: 1934

Users Reviews Cygnet aircraft designed Sidney Camm Hawker. Rating: 8.50 of 10 over a total of 4 reviews.

Suppeelskerrating: 5
January 21, 2007
Ok aircraft, but bad panel. Sopwith Camel is way better
jbrouillardrating: 10
March 24, 2006
kvikrating: 9
March 23, 2006
Nice old plane.
kuuhakerating: 10
March 18, 2006
Great Realistic and fun