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File id by john butler any problems or comments for my next video or about improving my videos e-mail me or send me ur fs2004 pics :) butler1994_at_hotmai l. co. uk

Filesize: 8.74 MB | Added on: Mar 15, 2006 | Downloads: 839

Users Reviews
id john butler problems comments video improving videos. Rating: 9.67 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

Planeguy914rating: 10
March 15, 2006
Fantastic Video By the way, Monkyshigon, that video was made from Microsoft Movie Maker. I belive it comes installed already on Windows 98, and for sure s your computer if Xp. Look Accessories under Entertainment . If you don t have Xp..........Well never mind what just said ..................GR EAT VIDEO
Monkeyshiganrating: 10
March 15, 2006
Hey what did u use to make this video Cause its pretty cool I really want know used record it though
ineedyousorating: 9
March 15, 2006
very cool nice pictures and music when your next video out lol P only bit is it pixilates view full screen but thats not ya prob work anyway.