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FS2004 Interstate 90 & 94 Scenery best for Harley Motorcycles or other vehicles. Placement: Put BMPs in the ADDON SCENERY folder under TEXTURES Put BGLs in the ADDON SCENERY folder under SCENERY This addon adds Highway Signs, Truck Stops, Border Signs and Casinos on Interstates 90 and 94 from Belevue WA. to Sturgis, SD and to Dickenson, ND. It also includes Big Ds Harley Shop in Sturgis. There is a total of 8 Truck Stops. You must also go to http: www. abacuspub. com pub AbacusEZLibraries. exe (about 8 MB). and download the libraries in order for all the objects to appear. Built using Abascus EZScenery.

Filesize: 756.67 Kb | Added on: Feb 05, 2006 | Downloads: 1267