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FS2004 Perfect Water 1. 0 Perfect Water is a compilation of the best textures edited by several authors of all the world. This bundle will upgrade day and night waters textures and reflections, change the appearence of sea at different deeping, improve the movement and visual of the waves in open sea and along the coast, modify the coastline in every season and upgrade the definition of rivers and lakes. Over 110+ textures have been collected to create a more realistic experience. Works very fine with my other texture bundle Perfect Sky By Davide Scotti

Filesize: 8.68 MB | Added on: Jan 29, 2006 | Downloads: 10019

Users Reviews
FS2004 Perfect Water 1.0 a compilation textures edited. Rating: 7.18 of 10 over a total of 11 reviews.

100002934257533-facebookrating: 10
November 28, 2012
This makes FS2004 look like FSX,combine with Perfect sky,a FSX Fs2004 10 add on examination
ngrsrating: 1
February 22, 2006
It don t even look like water Im very dissapointed.
frigolo123rating: 4
February 14, 2006
Cartoon colors, unrealistic, not very interesting Where is the uninstall tool Waiting next version. Sorry
09El_Boissevainrating: 6
February 11, 2006
It isn t so wonderful as claimed sorry . I have noticed many unreallistic traits such the distant water. The waves in distance look enormous Like gigantic tsunamies color is also imbalanced out there. Also difference depth way too big compared to real life. At ground ok, but at cruise altitude, it clearly visible and ruins beauty of sea. biggest problem all, extremely jarring blinking sea not shore When approached Tahiti Airport NTAA , oceanheightfields made water like static you find TVs. Greatly unreallistic. don get why everyone says s cool. Sorry if this was answer people would hope get, hard truth m laying for everyone.
5jmrating: 10
February 8, 2006
Works a treat, no problems one of the easiest to install. This add on is must make FS2004 more realistic, i have installed Perfect Sky as well it truely awsome Thanks, great ..... s 10 from me 8
444bernardorating: 1
February 4, 2006
After downloading and installing the addon, it seems that destroyed my setup. because I have CTD now crash to desktop reinstall FS 2004 new two times. Did not work for me, sorry. Bernardo bekawe
daisukerating: 9
February 2, 2006
looks very nice, definately worth downloading.
viche12345rating: 10
February 1, 2006
Cheers to the author for making this excellent water add on. The color balance of textures all day is realistic. Water depth depicted well. These are semi mirror, meaning that illusion clouds reflecting off surface slightly portrayed. foremost reason why I rate on a 10 because bump map. have never seen another with map so detailed. You can actually see bumps. See what you missing Download Try out Perfect Sky as
sirtopperrating: 9
January 30, 2006
just had a dusk flight in alaska and the water looked great. Many thanks
ebenezerrating: 9
January 30, 2006
Makes a big difference in the way water looks. It is neat to tell depth of water....I didn t notice any drop frame rate and highly recommend you download this addon.
captbeefyrating: 10
January 29, 2006
When I first opened up the sim and touched off from Mackinac Is. airport, seen water... My jaw dropped WOW. Now that have Perfect Water addon, no idea how could enjoy without it So im here this morning to dowload Sky addon some fun with