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Textures Only
Ground Detail Version 1. 0 This add on upgrades the defualt Ms bump map detail ground textures to a more hi res look. Unlike the msfs default ground detail, now you will be able to actual individual blades of grass. -Installation Important, Be sure to back up your defualt textures before proceding to step 1 1. Unzip the detail bmp file to a temporary location of your choice 2. Place the unziped bmp file to your C: software files microsoftgames Flight Simulator 9 scenery world texture 3. Confirm the replacement of the file Questions? Comments? Email me at: Pedro A. pedroap1_at_aol. com

Filesize: 783.59 Kb | Added on: Jan 21, 2006 | Downloads: 2921

Users Reviews
Ground Detail Version 1.0 add upgrades defualt Ms bump map. Rating: 8.33 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

Mike34rating: 8
July 24, 2006
pretty good. i thought it would be somthin like 3 D grass that waves in the wind, but still its ok. great for beginners tho.
danzo3000rating: 8
May 1, 2006
its very high quality
09El_Boissevainrating: 9
February 12, 2006
Not bad I suppose. love the new textury grass look Excellent. It gives you more feel of being there The default MSFS looks rather bold and moldy. Download this Get real sprout in airports Just that it changed textures from my downloaded one, have to reinstall other not well done. Hope restoration will be sucessful, with bumpy