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Complete Aircraft
V-22 Osprey USMC Mach 1, for FS2004 Orig MODEL PANEL TEXTURES by Vlad Zhyhulskiy. Accelerates to Mach1 +, and ?K ft (wink). Good range. Lands 8 kts. FDEs modified by Charles Backus (AKA Chuck napamule @cb). Read ReadmeM1. txt for tips on flying the V-22 (like a helicopter).

Filesize: 981.53 Kb | Added on: Jan 15, 2006 | Downloads: 7473

Users Reviews
V-22 Osprey USMC Mach 1 FS2004 Orig MODEL PANEL TEXTURES. Rating: 6.67 of 10 over a total of 6 reviews.

Flightacerating: 6
May 30, 2011
Very dificult to fly. I have no cockpit panel..maybe i installed it wrong. needs beter paint.
hydromitadrating: 5
February 3, 2011
Very difficult to control. I haven t been able land this helicopter. It drops suddenly without warning and then climbs even though am holding the joystick down. No VC in bird. However, it has a unique panel. also love moving rotors. have wanted fly an Osprey for while now, but was one probably won again.
thee8ballrating: 9
February 24, 2007
Loses altitude when ni VTOL mode anyone know why
thatonekid393rating: 7
May 7, 2006
It s a 7 for me...this prop powered plane traveling twice as fast jet and the Osprey still has its parking brake on Also, gravity seems to be altered with this may my PC, but other mods seem unaffected problem is that even when engines are completely cut off, I just hover there, able maintain control not head downward... very nice add on, good flying instructions included in your Readme, great animations, power, real life characteristics propeller angle especially,
flightpath510rating: 5
April 21, 2006
Two things, panel sucks and a prop plane going mach 1 anyway, good plane, VSTOL is tricky
5jmrating: 8
January 22, 2006
Very Good. The panel is a bit bland though, that s why only score of 8, don t get me wrong very nice aircraft