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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2004 StarWars Kuat Systems ETA-2 Actis Jedi Interceptor. The Eta-2s were used by Jedi pilots during the last days of the Clone Wars. Not much larger than the average airspeeder, the Eta-2 was a fast and sporty space fighter. During combat, heat-sink wings can be extended to dissipate excess engine heat. This Flightsim FS2004 FS9 release includes both Obi-Wan Kenobis and Anakin Skywalkers Interceptors. Each has full anis, Virtual Cockpit with tailored gauges, and appropiate paint scheme, pilots, and astromech droids.

Filesize: 5.02 MB | Added on: Jan 11, 2006 | Downloads: 7536

Users Reviews
FS2004 StarWars Kuat Systems ETA-2 Actis Jedi Interceptor. Rating: 9.33 of 10 over a total of 18 reviews.

pilothunterrating: 10
October 12, 2008
Great job keep it coming.
Kozarrating: 9
June 26, 2007
Just plain excellent piece of not just Star Wars, but an all around aircraft. Flies great at incredible speed, and the shaking is a nice touch.
fsgekrating: 10
January 14, 2007
jesseiscoolrating: 10
July 31, 2006
Great job. Is that an Imperial Star Destroyer in the background If so, please tell me where you got it. My email is jdunlap But I thought best part about this ship interior. The rest good too. Best freeware download i have
iradewrating: 9
July 4, 2006
pvjk91rating: 10
February 25, 2006
Excellent, nice aircraft . I love the blue exhaust and it s funny with picture of Padme in Anakins ship.
hesmithrating: 9
February 23, 2006
Brilliant, but why no autopilot
fkjprating: 9
February 21, 2006
Beautiful Flys like the real thing wink As said in previous entry, there is a shake at high speeds... Kudos to maker
teacupofdoomrating: 9
February 20, 2006
This had to be the coolist download ever. I love custom VC and just every thing about it. The ONLY that gave it a 9 was overspeed problem. It would shake...and yeah.
maxtor72rating: 8
February 8, 2006
axiom13rating: 8
January 24, 2006
It can t hover, but other then that its nice.
RudiMc747rating: 10
January 23, 2006
i have to say this is the best aircraft ship ever fastest, detales, and over all favorte had houner flight. thanks for fun
ZHillrating: 9
January 19, 2006
This is definely a fun one
harlekinrating: 9
January 16, 2006
Absolutely brilliant work Although i wish there is an autopilot. Keep up the good work.
shavnyakrating: 10
January 14, 2006
Excellent craft I put my generic autopilot on it and flew from KFJK to KALN in around 2 hours. Quite stable very well done Kudos
Monkeyshiganrating: 10
January 13, 2006
I advise anyone to download this...the afterburner, from what thought a very graphic interior, and good sounds job keep up the work
mono_stereorating: 10
January 12, 2006
jklimax21rating: 9
January 11, 2006
Great detail, a quality Star Wars related add on