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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2002 Tecnam P2002 Sierra Amphibian. Hop in this Italian built amphibian and fly it to your favorite duck pond. The cockpit opens and can be flown open in flight. Flies on 5 gal hr of practically any fuel except diesel. FS2004 Flyers see the file describing how to fly this plane in your flight simulator. It can be done. By Don Halcom

Filesize: 7.30 MB | Added on: Jan 02, 2006 | Downloads: 2025

Users Reviews
FS2002 Tecnam P2002 Sierra Amphibian. Rating: 7.00 of 10 over a total of 4 reviews.

the_gazza_manrating: 8
February 27, 2006
the power is too high at full u need to takeoff about 80 90 and land with flaps. otherwise handles exactly like real deal. by way guy who cant load plane correctly keeps flying off course check your fuel payload. terribly light efficeint slightest weight can make a big difference.good job way. if could bravo i would be absolutely delighted
hornussrating: 5
February 19, 2006
Goes terribly to the side, doesn t fly straight
drdonrating: 8
January 8, 2006
My front gear retracts. It rises but does not fold. This is a bomber or fighter.
beemermanrating: 7
January 8, 2006
Front landing gear doesn t retract