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Textures Only
HIGH-ALTITUDE SKY TEXTURES for Flightsim FS2004 FS9 These replacement textures allow for a greater realism when flying at high altitude. They are best used in conjunction with Flightsim FS2004 FS9s zoom-out feature the higher the altitude, the greater the zoom-out. Suggested zoom-rates are: Below FL250: 100% (default zoom) FL250-FL475: 0. 75 zoom FL475-FL700: 0. 50 zoom above FL700: 0. 31 zoom To install these textures, first back-up any existing, or msfs default textures and extract the zip file to Flightsim FS2004 FS9Texture folder.

Filesize: 138.62 Kb | Added on: Jan 01, 2006 | Downloads: 2635

Users Reviews
HIGH-ALTITUDE SKY TEXTURES FS2004 FS9 replacement textures. Rating: 9.50 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

CJM_1995_XxXrating: 10
September 8, 2015
Really makes you feel that are at the edge of earth
100002261814330-facebookrating: 9
March 9, 2015
Even though FS9 has a max altitude of 100,000 Feet this High Altitude Sky Texture makes the world stand out