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Complete Aircraft
FS2004 Boeing C-17 Globemaster III. The best Freeware C-17 I have found. Model creator is Mike Stone. Textures repaint in McChord AFBs Aircraft 00-172 The Spirit of the Cascades by myself, Robert. Any questions.. . zukiboarder_at_msn. com

Filesize: 1.64 MB | Added on: Dec 28, 2005 | Downloads: 11582

Users Reviews
FS2004 Boeing C-17 Globemaster III. Rating: 8.56 of 10 over a total of 9 reviews.

jd236962rating: 9
August 28, 2012
great plane
daredevil7rating: 10
March 7, 2012
GEZ10rating: 10
May 17, 2011
Absolute quality. Had to comment on it. Class
coyoteman37rating: 8
May 16, 2011
great plane and file realistic cockpit too
bucketrating: 6
June 6, 2007
Not a bad aircraft, nice external model and textures,glad to see everything opening closing for change, it s real pain when you download package not one door will open, so thank you. the cockpit is ok, much going on such an addvanced machine. I would really like busy flightdeck with all trimmings of this bird, cause matched model, be fantastic addtion your boeing fleet. It easy aircraft fly large bird but two things must remember, datum line does continue horizontal stab obviously behaves differently in pitch, because higher, especialaly at slow landing speeds, other being high drooped down wing, rolling, slip away from turn due that weight under wings, pilots often have tendency over correct action by too opposite aileron, which then causes rock, ball hanging string. But after flying while ll gett feel it. Cheers.
capfilrating: 9
March 12, 2006
Good model, easy to fly. The panel could be better.
cbyard29rating: 10
January 28, 2006
Excellent detail and aircraft. It is nice to be able fly something I load with cargo all the time
knightone123rating: 5
January 25, 2006
not bad little big for me the only thing i have with it is that its seems to all my flights, ie you cant fly on any of select flight as tyo outside, but well worth looking at,
riderjetrating: 10
January 18, 2006
Nice aircraft. A little touchy on the throttle for a jet aircraft but nice.