Complete Aircraft
FS2002 FS2004 Convair B-36H PeaceMaker. The development of B-36 was begun as an aircraft that was able to bomb directly to the Europe Continent from an American mainland in the middle of WWII. The hugeness of this aircraft doesnt have the one to exceed this now. However, B-47 of the jet bomber had flown first when the force disposition was begun, and obsoleting became this aircraft. Still, this long distance air performance doesnt throw away easily, and 380 planes were produced for the nuclear attack and the scout under the east and west cold war. Gun turret and bomb bay can open and shut. Moreover, installed XF-85 Goblin can be started. by Kazunori Ito.
Users Reviews
FS2002 FS2004 Convair B-36H PeaceMaker. Rating: 8.13 of 10 over a total of 15 reviews.
FS2002 FS2004 Convair B-36H PeaceMaker. Rating: 8.13 of 10 over a total of 15 reviews.
yosuaimanuel07-googlerating: 10
July 31, 2012
This plane is really good in realism. A big need a long runway. job
Terzi1985rating: 8
March 10, 2012
Very interesting aircraft in many aspects. Everything works, I ve had NO problems with sound or graphigs anything so far, only thing bothering me is that d wish to have better quality cockpit craphics, 2D craphics for every direction of look and 3D cocpit. And yes, IT IS MASSIVE plane takes time distance do it, but if you notice, the defaul fuel load causes huge overweight decrease load, 50 example there s no longer taking off this giant.
DC7guyrating: 9
December 30, 2008
Excellent download, no probs with sound or gages Etc. Everything strightforward The outside model is awesome.. great job remaking this famous airplane cockpit needs work. only one N1 gage for a 10 engine Ummmm falls lil short there Yes takeoffs are long you have to T O In it like the real did. bring engs up about 65 brakes locked let them stabilize, release and then add full power. If want see movie Flick called Strategic Air Command Jimmy Stewart stars as pilot of massive acft. Thanks download.. just workon
blackvetterating: 6
October 20, 2008
there is no sound. cool airplane
spiderlink16rating: 9
March 2, 2008
this one is cool yes it does take a very long runway to off but if you use two sets of flaps can get thats about the leath kennedy intl. o ya and that doesnt work just go edwards airforce base in CA its enough dont have worry running out runway........good job
thedriverrating: 10
July 31, 2007
take of from a long runway brilliant giant the skys
coolhackyrating: 8
February 22, 2007
can someone gimme a guide for dumb people installation
captainjacksparrowrating: 9
November 21, 2006
Awesome Textures. Great plane to fly.
estradarating: 8
August 11, 2006
now i know youve read about its size a dozen times now, but seriosly it the biggest craft ever. six turbo props and 2 jets, frecking massive. no vc though. needs really long take off. default seattle tacoma on fs 2004 is risking it.
ndawg370065rating: 7
July 8, 2006
great plane, needs a long takeoff strip but the reason i gave it 7 is because there were no gauges in cockpit. this was my first download so might of done something wrong. also only sound herd autopilot off and gear, otherwise dead silence still its preaty good.the bomb bay gun turrents can open close bombs inclused, downloading
jtvrating: 9
February 17, 2006
this was also the same type of plane that crashed coast B.C. canada carrying a mark 4 nuclear bomb but droped it over ocean because engins caught fire and they in mountain most crew survied 3 didnt stayed to crash when werent suppose after its worlds largest search resuce mission conducted including us ca forces tell there on board found special team went blew up along with one civillian who guide never said anything about he dies 1972 bad just thought u would all like know
daisukerating: 8
January 11, 2006
nice lumbering giant feel, a challenge to take off from strip that isn t miles long. exterior model, needs VC tho
biggjoe_2rating: 8
January 2, 2006
good acft. nice cockpit and flies too. job
desusrating: 7
December 6, 2005
nice ac like more of these
motorcoprating: 6
December 6, 2005
Flight model was good, but it could sure use a wrap around cockpit.