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Welcome to another repaint! I hope I did a good job. This is the Viasa old livery for the Vistaliners 727 series, the code of this aircraft is YV-127C and the real one was operative around 1994 when Viasa was still active. Thanks for downloading my work. Install: A) Download and install the Vistaliners Boeing 727 B) Open up the Aircraft. cfg with notepad c) Copy and paste the following section after the first entry of the original section: [fltsim. X] title Vistaliners Boeing 727-200 Viasa sim B727200_VL model panel sound texture viasa atc_id YV-127C atc_heavy 0 atc_flight_number 2011 atc_airline Viasa ui_manufacturer Boeing ui_type 727-200 adv ui_variation Viasa description Vistaliners SilverJet 727. Viasa repaint by Alberto Sartori. One of the most successful commercial jet airliners eve
Show more... r designed. Production totaled 1, 831 aircraft between 1963 and 1984. visual_damage 1 atc_id_color 0x00000000 atc_id_font Verdana, -11, 1, 600, 0 atc_id_font Verdana, -11, 1, 600, 0 Copy and paste the lines above in your aircraft. cfg and be sure to replace the X in fltsim. X with the progress number after the your current one. Save all and reload FS. Model by Vistaliners. Airline textures by Alberto Sartori (www. errewf. it) fury161_at_tiscali. it Show less...

Filesize: 829.25 Kb | Added on: Dec 01, 2005 | Downloads: 1605