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Venezuela ai traffic for fs9, i was just disapointed that ultimate trffic left out venezuela traffic, and mytraffic paints and schedules look not reall at all, so i decided to create a little software that fills the emptynees of ultimate traffic and mytraffic for venezuela. this software includes aircraft models and textures for aeropostal, laser, santabarbara airlines, conviasa. it also includes flight planes and the best of all its a self installer so you dont have to be a computer genius to install it. enjoy (SVMI) and watch out the traffic credits: compilation: Luis Felipe Pech Pacheco fligh planes: Luis Felipe Pech Pacheco aircraft models and paints from: www. aiadvark. com, www. evolveai. com selfinstaller utylity from: www. clickteam. com NOTE: the scenery on the pictures is not inc
Show more... luded but the traffic, if you wish to download the scenery to complete the traffic experience the file name of the scenary is: isdsvmi. zip and isdsvmipatch. zip and can be found at www. surclaro. com or www. avsim. com if you use msfs default scenery you may notice that some aircraft may vanish as soon as they land, to avoid this, an add on scenery for SVMI is recomended. SVMI is the icao code for manquieta airport, the largerst one on venezuela and serves the capital caracas. INSTALATION: UNZIP THEN RUN THE SELFINSTALER (V_TRAFFIC_LFPP. EXE) AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS. questions ??? sugestions ??? comments ??? write to: Luis Felipe Pech Pacheco venargmex_at_hotmail . com MEXICO SEARCH FOR LFPP Show less...

Filesize: 9.19 MB | Added on: Nov 30, 2005 | Downloads: 7383

Users Reviews
Venezuela ai traffic fs9 i disapointed ultimate trffic. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 5 reviews.

vitoriogaliarating: 10
June 16, 2011
very good
whymerating: 10
November 25, 2008
looks good.
isacca1rating: 10
July 16, 2008
Hola no puedo descargar ningun archivo de
Aviacionvirtualrating: 10
June 30, 2008
Cuando lo van a volver colocar para descargar
via042rating: 10
June 27, 2007
muy bueno