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Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000
FS2002 2004 Colorado 2, USA Soaring Scenery This file adds some North-South ridge lifts which forms cumullus clouds to msfs default Microsoft scenery for Colorado Region, USA, and cover below cities: 1. Larkspur City Perry Park Airport ((CO93). 2. Colorado Springs City Rocky Mountain Airfield (5C05). It is freeware. Good Flights and better Landings By Francisco Vargas. E-mail:cmtvargas_at_ superonda. com. br

Filesize: 88.85 Kb | Added on: Nov 29, 2005 | Downloads: 974

Users Reviews
FS2002 2004 Colorado 2 USA Soaring Scenery adds. Rating: 1.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

gridrating: 1
February 15, 2006
Can t figure out how to get it even tho s installed. When I go the add on scenery not available